Are We Brave Leaders?
Undoubtedly, we continue to live in unprecedented times since the pandemic of 2020, and our lives have forever changed.
In times like these, leaders must be B.R.A.V.E. Webster defines "brave" as having or showing courage – the mental or moral strength to persevere and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.
B.R.A.V.E. is also an acronym for Belonging, Resilience, Authenticity, Vulnerability, and Empathy.
Brave leaders know who they are at their core. They can understand the power of compassion, sit in empathy, and cultivate cultures of belonging everywhere they show up. B.R.A.V.E. leadership has never been more critical than now, and the conversations surrounding these topics are never more relevant for the road ahead.
Let's examine B.R.A.V.E closely:
There have been many conversations in recent times about diversity, equity, and inclusion, but the question is, is it enough? Transitioning from inclusion to belonging should be a top priority for every company, and a focus on belonging can increase productivity and engagement and decrease turnover.
Remaining optimistic allows us to believe in all possible, creating a path forward and moulding ourselves in situations that present themselves.
Being a leader that followers can trust is very important. Being consistent, sincere, honest, open, and humble. Bringing your authentic self to the people you lead.
Showing your team what it looks like to connect at the human level empowers them to do the same. When we embrace the power of human connections, we win.
Compassion is simply empathy in action. It is about being able to "sit in it" with another person, to be vulnerable at that moment and listen. This is the art of empathy.
As Brave Leaders, we will not know all the answers but leading with transparency helps to foster absolute trust among employees. Creating a sense of belonging, resilience, authenticity, vulnerability, and empathy will be a game changer for the road ahead.
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